koinoniaspecialschool@gmail.com, jyothiseic@gmail.com

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koinoniaspecialschool@gmail.com, jyothiseic@gmail.com


Jyothis Center for Child Development is a new member of the MARC family. As a Child Development Center, it started functioning in 2020. We established a child development center in response to repeated requests from parents of our own students. We hope that by serving in the field of rehabilitation for the past seven years, we can improve the lives of the students by providing them with skills training and a proper place in society.

Children with learning difficulties are frequently overlooked and despised by society. They often receive negative feedback from schools and, as a result, refuse to build favorable perceptions of the outside world. We tend to neglect their developmental crises at a young age, believing that kids will be fine in time. However, in some youngsters, these issues persist throughout adulthood and become intractable. When difficulties like this arise in our children at a young age, we must exercise extreme caution. Jyotis Center for Child Development offers full assistance in detecting and resolving this issue under professional supervision. You can provide a good future for your children by doing so.

Our goal is to ensure that every child with intellectual and developmental disabilities has the same opportunity to succeed as a typical child. Through developing new knowledge, providing essential resources, and building support networks, we are better able to meet the needs of their children beginning at an early age and throughout their lives. Our mission is to assist children with unique challenges in achieving well-being. We establish high standards for ourselves in order to obtain the finest results possible.

Our caretakers can offer Early Intervention services and other specialized therapies and services to children and preschoolers. Our early intervention services and numerous treatments, such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, and so on, will assist your children in reaching developmental milestones. We provide the best assistance to children with physical, sensory, or cognitive difficulties in achieving independence in all facets of their lives. With our multifunctional approach to interwoven personalized care, we have contributed to creating a cheerful and active environment for the children.

As we are working as a multidisciplinary team, we provide a combination of treatments like physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy altogether.

The multidisciplinary team in Jyothis

Our physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, psychologist, and IEP trainer work as a multidisciplinary team to discuss each case and find the ideal therapy and sessions for each one.


Physiotherapy is one of the main treatment methods in modern medicine. With the help of physiotherapy, it is possible to cure a patient's physical illness with the assistance of modern machines and techniques and without the use of pills or other medicines. Sports, neurological and cardio-pulmonary, orthopedic, pediatric, and other practices come under the physiotherapy department.

Diagnosis is practiced with the help of various clinical assessments, examinations, and tests done by specialists. If it is related to pain, then the evaluation would be a visual analog scale or/and examining the range of motion or/and balance and coordination. And if it is a neurological condition, the diagnosis would be made by checking muscle tone, strength, and balance. X-ray, CT scan, and MRI will also be done according to the patient's condition. The aid will be decided following the results of various diagnosis methods and according to the patient's condition. Electrotherapy, heat therapy, mosaic therapy, etc., are practiced for pain cases, balance and coordination, exercise therapy, postural drainage, and gait training, etc. are practiced.

Speech therapy can help you communicate better by developing both expressive and receptive language skills. Children eventually develop comprehension skills, which improves their learning ability and broadens their receptive vocabulary. Our Speech and language therapy department, is designed to help children with language and speech delays develop age-appropriate communication skills. Developing speech therapy at our school is not limited to the speech therapy room but occurs throughout the day, and the entire school works tirelessly to achieve the goal. Aside from individual classes, our classroom teaching methods strongly emphasize helping children develop their communication skills.

The aid will be recognized according to the results of the clinical tests and considering the concerns and priorities of the patient. The aid will vary according to the patient's condition, such as hearing support and auditory-verbal therapy for patients with hearing issues. Oral motor exercise and oral placement therapy are provided for patients under speech and language therapy. Under audiology: hearing evaluation, pure-tone audiometry, tympanometry, and otoacoustic emission will be done as treatment procedures. As well as trial, programming, and fitting of hearing aid is also provided by us.

Occupational therapy is an allied profession that helps people across their lifespan to be functional in activities that they need to do or want to do through the use of occupation. It is a planned training program in which the patient is directed to participate in selected activities.

It involves the acquisition of new skills and functions. To reinforce and enhance functions that had been lost because of impairment, injury, or disability. To increase the patient's ability to perform functions required for a meaningful life. To facilitate development in Neuro muscular area, Sensory integrative area, Psychological, Social and cognitive area.

It is diagnosed through an initial subjective assessment done by observing, examining and interviewing the patient or the caretaker. A suitable clinical examination will be administered according to the need of the patient and the results will confirm the diagnosis. Assistive or adaptive aids are provided after the initial assessment and determining the prognosis of the problem by categorizing the neurological impairment as upper and lower motor neuron disorder or permanent or temporary disability. As well as, assistive devices for the performance of impaired functions are prescribed.

We assess various conditions like developmental delay, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, learning and sensory problems. Possible interventions include sensory integration therapy, skill training, early intervention, cognitive therapy, etc. There will be activities and exercises to enhance motor development, sensory development, cognitive development, academic development, and life skill development.

Our pediatric section is committed to offering therapeutic medical care for children. For patient care, we employ most experienced professionals and an evidence-based approach. Diagnosis will be done through pediatric clinical tests and observations. The aid will be acknowledged in light of the findings of the clinical examinations and the priorities and worries of the child's parents. Depending on the child's state the aid will change.

Following the results of the clinical examinations, we provide different kinds of therapy sessions for the child. The parent will also receive help from our experts for the further care needed for the child.

Children with intellectual, autism, cerebral palsy, speech, or learning disabilities as well as those with emotional, behavioral or cognitive impairments, as well as gifted students with advanced academic skills, and youngsters with orthopedic or neurological conditions, are all served by the special education department.

The functional approach is used to examine kids with multiple disabilities. Children receiving special education services have been following an individualized educational plan with regular evaluations. The training programme consistently emphasizes the role of parents. The efficacy of teaching and learning is increased by using multisensory, affordable instructional materials. Activities that are part of the curriculum and extracurriculars are taught with a focus on inclusivity.

Each child is given a residual capability assessment, and programmes are then carried out in accordance with those results. Self-help skills, activities for daily living, socializing, language promotion, and motor and cognitive skills are the training's main focal areas. We will provide ADHD support, autism support, speech, language, and communication needs, social and emotional mental health needs, sensory health services, and so on.

In order to aid them and help them develop a positive attitude, we explain to families with disabled children some coping mechanisms, including changing expectations and improving the situation.

Our department's professionals spend enough time with the client's family to counsel them about the condition, enhance coping skills, facilitate behavior change, promote decision-making potential, improve relationships, and further educate them about various schemes and programs available for the family members of people with disabilities. Counseling helps a person solve his or her problems through the medium of an interview.

A group of guidance programs will be conducted and sensitize the child for self-empowerment and growth. Disability therapy seeks to give the child a secure and encouraging environment in which to express their worries. You can investigate options for making things more bearable with the assistance of a reliable expert. The counselors establish a specific therapy plan for the child after recognizing the child's handicap kind, severity degree, and any co-occurring disorders.

The aim of behavioral therapy is to help the child develop coping mechanisms for various situations they may face. It is a problem-focused approach to psychotherapy. It teaches patients how to become conscious of their own ideas and expectations to correct incorrect beliefs or unreasonable expectations.

Children who exhibit behavioural issues for six months or longer may benefit from behavioural therapy. These issues can involve violent or disruptive conduct and are frequently more significant. Behaviorally challenged kids don't seem to behave their age. The child will learn from the therapist how to make practical adjustments. The kids can employ these abilities throughout the rest of their lives.

Our therapist will choose the most effective behavioural therapy techniques to employ after interacting with the child and knowing more about the problem the child needs help with.

An individualized education plan (IEP), which is created in cooperation with parents/caregivers and school education specialists, is required for children with special needs. IEPs are designed to guarantee that kids with special needs receive the most excellent instruction and support services possible, but parents play a crucial role in advocating for their children.

Students who have ADHD, Autism, cognitive challenges, developmental delays, emotional disorders, hearing problems, physical disabilities, vision problems, learning problems, and speech or language problems are eligible for IEP training. Every effort is made to ensure that youngsters with disabilities can learn alongside their peers who are not disabled. However, there are times when the required level of support cannot be provided in a regular classroom. In these cases, students are taught in a specialized learning environment better suited to their requirements. Fewer pupils per teacher in these programmes enables more one-on-one education. The teacher has experience working with children who have unique educational needs.

Every child should have an adequate assessment to determine his or her specific educational needs. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are subjected to intelligence tests to gauge their level of intelligence. IQ tests are typically administered to kids just before they start school. It helps educators and psychologists determine the proper level of educational support for a child.

The goal of the assessment process is to gather valuable, accurate, and trustworthy information and develop a deeper knowledge of a child's present requirements, abilities, and challenges. Here at jyothis, we evaluate each student before creating personalised plans that take into account his or her abilities, preferences, and capabilities. We don't force or urge the youngster to learn simply academics or any particular curriculum. Reading, writing, and learning are included, of course, but these are not the only things a child can learn. As a result, the IEP also includes arts and crafts, music, dance, and sports.

Learning disability is a neurodevelopmental condition. It makes it more difficult to learn or apply abilities like reading, writing, or math. When being taught in traditional ways, children with learning problems have extra challenges. They must be taught by instructors who have received training in and have a professional certification in learning disabilities.

All children need love, support, and encouragement, and for children with learning disabilities, this kind of positive reinforcement can ensure that they grow up with a solid sense of self-worth, and the will to persevere even in the face of difficulties. For students with learning difficulties, we provide a helpful learning environment. The instructor also has essential duties related to raising kids and comprehending the situation of the metal. In order to help special children, learn effectively, we offer teachers with specific knowledge in their field.


Our Specialities